The Different Applications of Steel Strands

What are the different applications of steel strands?
- Long bridges
- Railways
- Multi-story buildings
- Underground electric lines
- Steel fencing
Every day, we come across different materials with varying functions. These materials give shape and structure to the physical buildings that we frequently encounter. Though we may take materials such as steel for granted, much attention should be put towards how valuable this material is in a variety of applications. In particular, there should be a focus on the applications of steel strands. Though this material is simple, it has been advantageous in providing stability to both small-scale and large-scale industrial projects.
The properties of steel alone already make it a reliable alloy. It’s characterized as having a high rate of weldability, strength, flexibility, machinability, and more. When transformed into wires and strands, it can perform many different functions. Continue reading to find out what these are.
Long bridges
One of the most common uses of steel strands can be found in expansive structures such as that of a suspension bridge. On the surface, these bridges are useful for minimizing the travel time that people experience when going from one place to another. A suspension bridge — as the name implies — is characterized as having a deck suspended by multiple steel cables or strands that are attached to vertical suspenders.
Architects and engineers have innovatively made use of the steel material to serve as the bridge’s suspension. When installed in multiple locations, the strength of the steel strand is distributed to generate an unprecedented amount of stability to the bridge. These strands are helpful in supporting the weight of the deck and subsequently the many vehicles, or other elements that pass on it.
Trains are an invaluable mode of public transport. These passenger carriages help bring people from one location to another, without experiencing the most burdensome road congestion situations in the country. Though much can be said about improving the state of public transportation in the Philippines, one cannot overstate the importance of steel strands in maintaining the function of railways.
Steel strands are essential in the functioning of railway lines. In particular, they’re used in overhead installations for electric trains. These steel strands function as electric cables and are able to transmit a large volume of electricity to long distances and help maintain the overall function of the railway system. Steel strands make the perfect use for electric trains since they also add to the environmental-friendliness of these types of vehicles, are lighter, and are more fuel-efficient.
Multi-story buildings
Have you ever wondered how multi-story buildings are able to produce a proper balance? You might be thinking that it’s virtually difficult to achieve this kind of physical structure without some complicated process behind it. All materials such as concrete, reinforced bars, steel beams, and steel strands contribute to stabilizing multi-story buildings.
For example, the steel strands are especially useful in roofing and flooring systems, as well as building masts for radio towers. Because of these uses, steel wires are important in ensuring the safety of the building’s inhabitants.
Alongside steel materials like the ones mentioned above, steel cables can easily transform multi-story buildings into earthquake-resistant structures. The steel materials are able to withstand seismic activities, which not only protect the structure and meet building regulatory compliances but also keeps everyone safe from the harmful effects of this natural disaster.
Underground electric lines
Electricity is undoubtedly an invaluable resource that should not be taken for granted. Steel strands have been instrumental in underground electrical lines. They’re useful in high-voltage transmissions.
Underground cables, unlike overhead cables, do not really appear in the form of exposed wiring. The use of steel strands helps these cables achieve lower transmission losses. Furthermore, these can also absorb emergency power loads which are needed in backup power systems.
As mentioned before, steel material already passes strength tests that it is subject to. When used as part of underground cable systems, one can ensure that it helps in reducing the impacts of volatile weather occurrences such as heavy rain, or hot climates.
Steel fencing
In non-industrial applications, steel strands have also been proven useful in agricultural structures such as steel fencing. These light and easy-to-install steel materials can easily provide a durable enclosure for gardens and farms just to name a few.
Used as fencing, steel strands help keep predators away from valuable resources such as farm produce or plants. They offer a reliable source of protection without requiring a lot of other bulky materials that may prove to be more difficult to work on. Furthermore, steel strands can be formed in many different ways, depending on the preference of the user.
Key Takeaway
To reiterate, steel has been employed in many kinds of endeavors because of its properties. These uses ensure that the inherent properties of steel are fully maximized to deliver firmness and quality to the installation.
Some applications of steel strands include suspension bridges, railway lines, underground electrical lines, steel fencing, and more. While the guide above isn’t exhaustive, it gives you an idea of just how important steel strands are in the country.