Why Steel Studs Are Better Than Wood Studs

Why are steel studs better than wood studs?
- Lower level of wear and tear
- Lightweight
- More durable
- Can be installed in many areas
- Termite-resistant
- Environmentally-friendly
A house’s foundation is essential in order for it structurally supports its inhabitants. Part of the framework of a residential space is devoted to supporting structures such as walls, floors, and ceilings — these are called framing studs. There has been a growing debate between steel studs vs wood studs. Though wood is a popular framing choice across homeowners, they might not necessarily understand that this material is far more difficult to maintain for the home. Although steel studs may not be a widely-used application for residential framing, they do have several advantages over wood frames. Continue reading to learn more.
Lower level of wear and tear
The steel alloy is one of the best materials that have resulted from the metal fabrication industry. Many steel-working techniques such as cold-working, heat treatment, or galvanization have made it possible to produce a good grade of steel that exhibits a high resistance against corrosion and other forms of wear and tear.
Steel studs, therefore, offer better protection against the average wear and tear that takes place inside a home. Steel has a good strength rating, and its appearance as well as function doesn’t easily deform when struck by other materials. Wood, on the other hand, can easily rot and become more fragile as the time passes.
Let’s say you’re involved in the construction phase of your new home. The materials you use are important to consider if you want to provide your home with the most stable structure. Arguably, steel offers better stability for your house’s framing — and they’re also significantly more lightweight compared to wood.
With lighter materials, you can easily carry, or lug around objects like steel beams and other construction tools. Steel studs can come in different gauges and you’ll certainly be able to choose one which is fit for your home. If you’re replacing the wall framing in the future, lightweight steel can easily be removed and disassembled, unlike wood. Lightweight materials can provide your home with a higher level of sustainability and flexibility when it comes to replacements, maintenance, or other kinds of future home upgrades.
More durable
As mentioned before, many techniques in metal fabrication can improve or enhance the many positive attributes and properties of steel. Heat treatment processes can improve its tensile strength and hardness rating, while still retaining its lightweight-ness. With this in mind, steel studs provide better durability and structural protection compared to wood studs.
Wood is a high maintenance material — you need to make sure that you seal it with wood staining or any type of waterproof protection to ensure that its fibers are all intact. Even then, this has to be done on a periodic basis, or else the material will rot and disintegrate within the wall’s framing network.
The same isn’t true for low-maintenance construction materials like the steel stud. It’s highly-resistant against different forms of corrosion like rusting and pitting. It offers better stability to a residential structure, especially in cases of extreme environmental conditions.
Can be installed in many areas
A house’s spaces can be classified according to wet and dry areas. Simply put, wet areas are locations wherein plumbing fixtures are located — these may be the kitchen, dining room bathroom, and the like. Some examples of dry areas are living rooms or bedrooms. These two types each have different requirements when it comes to their building materials. Fortunately, steel studs are suitable for any location in the house.
Steel studs can work perfectly well with other fixtures like electrical and plumbing systems, for example. In the event of problems such as leaks, a steel stud wall framework won’t be drastically affected by the problem. If the problem goes unaddressed for some time, then a portion of your wood studs, for example, may become severely affected to the point that they may no longer offer adequate support for your walls.
Houses in this country are no stranger to pesky termites. They probably rank high among the top elements that can destroy a house. People who have been afflicted with a termite problem have to constantly invest in pest control services to inspect the different parts of their home. When an infestation has been determined, removing these pests can be costly and time-consuming.
Fortunately, steel studs don’t have the same kind of problem. Because they’re termite resistant, you wouldn’t have to worry about these insects wreaking havoc on your walls. Although the initial cost of installing steel studs might be higher compared to wood, it’s simply difficult to ignore the long-term financial benefits that you’ll be getting from a far more durable and versatile building material.
Steel is considerably more environmentally-friendly compared to wood. The production process involved in steel manufacturing has become more sustainable as of late, unlike wood, which still involves the use of valuable natural resources.
Apart from this, wood material also contains volatile organic compounds or VOCs. You cannot protect your home enough to guard against these emissions which cause a number of health and respiratory problems. Due to the sensitivity of the material, more often than not, it only works best in a controlled environment.
Steel studs already make a better option when it comes to building more sustainable homes. They do not emit these harmful volatile compounds which can pose hidden dangers to those living inside the house. More than that, steel is also recyclable — steel studs can be repurposed for other uses that you can think of.
Key Takeaway
In choosing between steel studs vs wood studs it’s important to look into their primary material composition. Steel is far more durable and lightweight compared to wood — this makes your home better protected against external elements such as moisture, heat, or pressure. Even if the primary investment in steel may be more expensive, their long-term advantages far outweigh any initial costs.
The next time you choose a material for your wall studs, go with steel. You’ll certainly be making one of the best choices when it comes to giving your home the stability and structure that it needs.